Sex & Sexuality

Counselling | Coaching | Education | Consulting

Talking and learning more about sex, sexuality, pleasure, and the complexities of this part of ourselves can be tough. My intent is to transform the subject of sex and sexual health by providing personalized support through education, deep listening, and relatable approaches that lead to awareness, understanding, and healthier and more pleasurable relationships.

Welcome, and thank you for being here.

Who I support

chelsea flett
she / they

As a public school teacher for over a decade I am using that learning and education toward a career path in sex education, coaching, counselling, and consulting. I hold a masters degree in education and am completing a post graduate certificate in sexuality counselling. My approach is educationally grounded, non clinical, does not seek or attempt to diagnose or pathologize, and is trauma and justice informed. I will continue to work toward decolonized and anti-racist practices and am well versed in topics of consent, 2SLGBTQIA++, pleasure, body sovereignty, gender, identity, kink, BDSM, and sex education of all levels and ages.


I provide virtual session that seek to inform, uncover, and examine each person’s unique journey in sexuality, sex education, and sexual health.

In person and virtual support helping you to develop healthier and more pleasurable relationships.


With a collaborative approach, I support organizations in a variety of ways from curriculum design, updating policy, developing sex education content, to working with staff and providing workshops.

Sexual Literacy

what is it and why is it important to have?

Sexual literacy encompasses a vast knowledge base that connects us to our sexual self – pleasure, healthy relationships, media influences, body awareness & autonomy, shame, childhood experiences, safe sex, unpacking/de-centering heteronormativity, the intersections of race, decolonization and sexuality, debunking myths, queerness, and many more can be included in one’s own sexual literacy. Sexual literacy provides confidence, communication skills, boundaries, awareness, and responsibility.

sexual literacy is essential learning for all –
it is part of what makes us unique individuals.

Sexuality and sexual health are beautiful, diverse, and necessary parts of what it means to be human. Comprehensive sex education is essential in supporting people in knowing who they are, providing support on how to develop safe and healthy boundaries for themselves, and what influences our own sense of self. Coming to understand what sexual literacy means to you is vital as we experience the ever increasing complexities of the world.

My Approach

My approach is educationally grounded, non clinical, does not seek or attempt to diagnose or pathologize, and is trauma and justice informed. I will continue to work toward decolonized and anti-racist practices and am well versed in topics of consent, 2SLGBTQIA++, pleasure, body sovereignty, gender, identity, sex education of all levels and ages, and am well versed and affirming of all relationships styles.

In person and virtual support helping you to develop healthier and more pleasurable relationships.


Free Virtual Call

15 minute discovery call to start the conversation and determine needs, approach, and fee.